
Our Academic Programs

In Arts and Humanities, Medicine, and Science and Engineering

Choosing Sorbonne University means joining a world-renowned higher education and research institution. By joining our community of 55,000 students and 360,000 alumni worldwide, you'll be giving your all to a rigorous academic program and receiving the best in multidisciplinary teaching. 

Information for International Students

Are you a current or prospective international student? 

Whether studying on exchange or seeking a full degree at Sorbonne University, access essential contact information, resources for learning French and a glimpse into student life. 

Research and Innovation

Sorbonne University promotes excellence at the core of each of its disciplines and develops numerous interdisciplinary programs capable of meeting the major challenges of the 21st century.

Study at | Sorbonne University

Participate in the great adventure of learning, succeed in high-level studies and prepare to create the future.

Parismus is the international student association of Sorbonne University


Parismus is the international student association of Sorbonne University.

Bringing together 10 institutions that offer studies in literature, medicine, science, engineering, technology and management, our alliance fosters a global approach to teaching and research, promoting access to knowledge for all.

Alliance 4EU+

The 4EU+ Alliance

In a changing world, Sorbonne University has joined forces with six universities: Charles University in Prague, the University of Warsaw, Heidelberg University, the University of Milan, the University of Geneva and the University of Copenhagen to create the 4EU+ Alliance.

With an innovative model of the European university, seven large research-intensive universities are working together to respond to the educational and research challenges facing Europe today.

Les Alliances de Sorbonne Université

Le théâtre de l’oblitération

Par Élisabeth Angel-Perez

Essai sur la voix photogénique dans le théâtre britannique contemporain


25 000



bachelor degrees


master degrees




Discover our courses catalog


The Faculty of Medicine teaches the 3 cycles of medical studies: from PASS (integrated into the faculty) to the 3rd cycle including DES, DESC, DU and DIU. The lessons are given mainly on two sites: Pitié-Salpêtrière and Saint-Antoine. The faculty also provides paramedical education: speech therapy, psychomotricity and orthoptics. The Saint-Antoine site includes a midwifery school.

Study | at the faculty of medicine

One of our riches is the diversity of students and their backgrounds. Sorbonne University is committed to the success of each of its students and offers them a wide range of training as well as support adapted to their profile and their project.

Associative life

One of our riches is the diversity of students and their backgrounds. Sorbonne University is committed to the success of each of its students.

21 393


17 527



Doctors in medecine and research


Research centers


Disability Resources

We provide you with the support you need to help you enjoy to the fullest your study placement:

  • Support schemes can be put in place and can be re-assessed to match your needs as the year progresses.
  • These support plans are renewed every year.
  • The process is strictly confidential and voluntary.


Disability Resources

How We Can Support Our Special Achievers

  • a reduced course load,

  • extra-time or rest-breaks during exams,

  • alternative arrangements for work and deadlines,

  • permission to repeat a year without losing any acquired grades,

  • adapted courses and subjects (braille, large print or digital materials),

  • support for using campus services (library, catering, tutoring, note-taking, transport & accessibility, etc.),

  • loan of equipment and assistive technology for courses and exams (computer, adapted software, noise-cancelling headphones, dictaphone, etc.).

  • timetable arrangements,

  • support in contacting companies,

  • expert advice & interviews practice,

  • recognition of the status of disabled worker, etc.

In addition to general supprt services accessible to all university students on an equal basis, specific assistance arrangements are available to students with disabilities. Below is a non-exhaustive list of special arrangements that could be put in place.

Welfare support and accommodation

The Crous of Paris (regional student support services) offers a special support system for students with disabilities or who suffer from a disorder recognised by the Paris Centre for Disabled Persons (the Maison départementale des personnes handicapées, or MDPH). There is a specific procedure for applying for accommodation in a university residence, and a social assistant is ready to help you. 

Grants based on social criteria

Higher education grants based on social criteria are awarded depending on your financial means, course, and disability. 

Special financial aid

In the MDPH, the needs assessment is carried out by a multi-disciplinary team working with the Commission for the Right to Autonomy of Persons with Disabilities (the Commission des droits à l'autonomie des personnes handicapées, or CDAPH). Depending on your income and level of disability, you may receive specific financial aid:

  • The Education Allowance for Children with Disabilities (the allocation d'éducation de l'enfant handicapé, or AEEH): parents residing in France who have a dependent or disabled child under the age of 20 can receive this allowance.

  • Disabled Adult Allowance (allocation adulte handicapé, or AAH): for people aged 20 and over.

  • Disability Compensation Benefit (prestation de compensation du handicap, or PCH).

  • Inclusion Mobility Cards (cartes mobilité inclusion, or CMI): these cover all the needs of a disabled person beyond human assistance.

Health and preventive medicine

To help you stay healthy, the psychologists at SUMPPS can see you, free of charge (with or without an appointment), at the SHSE offices for:

  • medical advice and certificates,
  • general consultations and sports medicine,
  • contraception and gynaecology,
  • speech therapy assessments,
  • nutrition and foot reflexology,
  • vaccinations, etc.

Adaptive sport or Parasport

Our teams are working together to make it easier for students with disabilities to do sport. There are numerous activities on offer.

University libraries

If you have specific access needs for Sorbonne University’s libraries and their services, there are library disability specialists to answer your questions. Students with disabilities have access in particular to preferential material lending conditions on request. The libraries also provide access to numerous online resources from either the on-campus computers, or remotely.


Crous catering is open to everyone. It provides balanced meals at low prices close to where you live.

Three steps to access these arrangements

You can make an appointment to meet with a counsellor in our Disability Resources Centre (SHSE). He or she will help you draw up your Disabled Student Support Plan (plan d'accompagnement de l'étudiant handicapé, or PAEH). You can book an appointment in person, by phone or email (you can find our contact details in the « how to find us » section on this same page).

You can make an appointment with a doctor from the University’s Health Division (the Service universitaire de médecine préventive et de promotion de la santé, or SUMPPS). You must have your medical records with you to prove that you need access to this arrangement (examination results, a letter from your doctor, a hospital report, an x-ray, a prescription, etc.).

Your PAEH will be made official by the SHSE.


How to find us

The Disability Resources Centre (the Service handicap santé étudiant, or SHSE) works in close collaboration with the Student Health and Disability Services (the Relais handicap santé étudiant, or RHSE).

  • We are located on the Pierre et Marie Curie campus (Patio 22-33, Jussieu level).

  • We are open from Tuesday to Friday (9am-midday / 2pm- 5pm).

  • For help and guidance, you can also send us an Email